Bake a Cake for MacMillan raised over £470!

On Friday 29 September we held our first big fundraiser of the year which was a cake baking competition for students and staff, raising funds for MacMillan Cancer Support. This was part of Macmillan’s Coffee Morning which runs annually raising funds to help everyone with cancer to live life as fully as they can. Bakers could bake a cake, tray-bake or small cakes and biscuits, and even bake a European Day of Languages themed cake for a special prize. Competition was fierce and Year 7 in particular made some great cakes!

Our Charity Minions group had the tough 'job' of judging and awarding prizes before the cakes went on sale at breaktime. They were priced at 50p or £1 and sold like 'hot cakes'!

Thank you to everyone who baked and bought a cake - it was a fantastic effort which raised over £470 for a wonderful cause.