
Mathematics is studied by all students from Year 7 to Year 11. Our goal is for all students to leave school with strong numeracy skills, with the knowledge to apply their understanding of mathematics in solving problems. Through an approach focussed on teaching for understanding, we will focus on both the functionality and beauty of mathematics, with the ultimate aim of encouraging further study beyond KS4. 

For further information please click on the headings below:

1. Teaching Staff

2. The KS3 Curriculum

3. The KS4 Curriculum

4. Programmes of Study

5. Maths Information Evenings

6. Careers and Progression

1. Teaching Staff

Curriculum Lead:             Mr R Hosker  
Second in the Curriculum Area: Miss L Mann



Teachers of Maths:

Mr P Almond Mrs R Eriksson
Mr K Anglim Mrs J Poole
Mr J Wood Mrs H Brady
Mrs C Whitton Mr S Bushell







2. The KS3 Curriculum

The KS3 curriculum contains checks for understanding based on KS2 content, in order to establish the starting points for teaching. We use SATS data to organise students into appropriate groups, and follow up with an autumn assessment covering taught KS3 content to ensure the groups are correct for each student’s current ability. We work closely with the SEND department to ensure we recognise and cater for any learning needs, through use of detailed seating plans. 

We use a spiral curriculum approach, allied with a spaced retrieval philosophy. Students follow one of four pathways through the Key Stage 3 curriculum, again dependent on their starting point as identified by SATS data and our own internal assessments. We believe strongly that working in a group, covering content at a challenging but accessible level, allows students to maximise their progress. All four pathways cover all the non-statutory KS3 curriculum content. 


Topics Covered

Skills and knowledge are developed through a spaced retrieval philosophy. Algebra, number, proportion, geometry, probability and statistics are the over-arching areas of maths that we teach during Key Stage 3. The curriculum area approach is to build on previous knowledge and seek to challenge further. Independent learning, quizzing and assessments supplement our approach.  



Independent learning tasks are set on Sparx weekly, whereby students compete tasks on content they were taught between 3 and 6 weeks prior. They sit a quiz, two weeks after the homework is set, largely on the same content. The quiz itself is low stakes, and results are not recorded, however it gives the students the opportunity to assess how well they have retained the previously taught content.



Assessments are cumulative in that they always cover the content taught in that school year. Assessments are high stakes in that they partly inform teaching group changes which take place at the start of each school year. They are followed up with a ‘Pinpoint’ booklet. This booklet is produced following the input of their assessment scores, and focusses on their five weakest topics to help further reduce gaps in their understanding.


Scheme of Work

The scheme of work has links to prior learning, future learning, and highlights when content has been covered in a previous year, which allows teachers to assess the most effective starting point. Further to this, it has links to the D of E/NCETM glossary of key mathematical language, that can be found in the KS3 non-statutory guidance. Teachers ensure that students record this language and explore both the mathematical, and sometimes non-mathematical definitions. This is often co-ordinated alongside a ‘Word of the Week’ initiative that focusses on language weekly.

The maths department has undertaken extensive work, thinking about the optimal route in teaching key concepts and has put together ‘S-plans’. These are ‘teaching for mastery’ based, and look at not only the order in which we teach these concepts, but how we can support the teaching through variation, representation, commonality in use of language. Mathematical thinking and coherence. The idea is that students experience a consistent teaching approach throughout Key Stage 3 regardless of who their teacher is. The s-plans are linked to the curriculum plans, and as such are a vital approach in helping new members of staff understand the Bishop philosophy.       

It is important to recognise that teaching groups are completely fluid, and movement takes place every year to ensure all children are in the correct group for their current ability. There are no barriers to progression. 



Enrichment is an important aspect of our curriculum delivery. The habit of logical thinking is directly transferable from mathematics to many other disciplines. In the workplace, mathematicians are much in demand because of their training in reasoning, logical thought, method and order.  This begins before they even begin at Bishops, as many of the students who join us in Year 7 take part in the annual ‘Primary Challenge’ the previous July. Team of four from up to ten local primary schools compete with each to solve mathematical problems. Whilst in school, a number of competitions take place, such as the UKMT Junior Maths Challenge, as well as competitions based at Runshaw and Edge Hill University. Strong links are being forget with LUSOM in Preston, and we invite students to attend inspiring talks and workshops. A school based weekly games club is a popular extra-curricular provision, as is STEM club, which the maths department has been involved in since its inception.

3. The KS4 Curriculum

In Year 10 and 11, students build on the progress they have made in KS3 to follow either a foundation or higher KS4 scheme of work. Our aspiration is that over 80% will be advanced enough in their grasp of mathematics to study the higher tier (against a national backdrop of less than 50%). This decision is made following teacher assessment and feedback at the end of Year 9; however, this decision is not final, and further movements take place until as late as Easter in Year 11. If we feel a student is capable, they will sit the higher GCSE.


Topics Covered:

The topic headings in Key Stage 4 are as follows:

  • Number
  • Ratio, Proportion & Rates of Change
  • Algebra
  • Geometry
  • Statistics
  • Probability       

We continue with a spaced retrieval approach to ensure the skills and knowledge are embedded in students’ long-term memory. Our aim in KS4 is for students to become expert problem solvers using the toolkit of strategies they have learnt and developed in KS2. 


Curriculum Aim

Further to this, as a curriculum area we aim to:

  • ensure that pupils acquire mathematical knowledge and skills, and use them with confidence, satisfaction, enjoyment, clarity of expression and accuracy
  • equip pupils to achieve mathematical qualifications
  • allow pupils to experience mathematics in a range of contexts
  • provide foundations for future study of mathematics
  • develop pupils’ ability to think both for themselves and as part of a team
  • inspire pupils towards a positive view of mathematics  



Further maths is offered as an enrichment option to the top two teaching groups, with study beginning in Year 10. This allows students to gain further insights into the bridge between GCSE mathematics and A-Level mathematics, whilst giving them the opportunity to achieve a valued additional qualification.  

4. Stages and Programmes of Study

We use stages to organise our students according to their current attainment level. There is a huge range of attainment in the Year 6 SATS, and it is important that students are in a grouping that will help them progress to their maximum potential. It is important to note that these pathways are fluid. Given that we review students groupings twice in Year 7 and at the end of Years 8-10, a student’s initial stage in Year 7 does not dictate their eventual outcome. A possible pathway is, for example:    

Stage 6*
Stage 8
Stage 9*

We have seen students begin on Stage 6* and go on to achieve a Grade 9 in their Maths GCSE alongside a Further Maths qualification!

Stages KS4 Approx. numbers (per year) Starting Points Coverage Typical Target Grades in Year 11
Stage 6 Foundation 15 Arriving from Primary school at below expected level in Maths  All KS3 content as defined in DFE non-statutory guidance 4
Stage 6*
Stage 7
Stage 6*


25 Arriving from Primary school at the expected level in Maths  All KS3 content as defined in DFE non-statutory guidance, with a limited coverage of KS4 content 4/5
Stage 7*
Stage 8*
Stage 7


60 Arriving from Primary school slightly above the expected level in Maths All KS3 content as defined in DFE non-statutory guidance, with an increased  coverage of KS4 content  5-7
Stage 8
Stage 9
Stage 7* Higher 90 Arriving from Primary school well above the expected level in Maths All KS3 content as defined in DFE non-statutory guidance, with a substantial coverage of KS4 content  6-9
Stage 8*
Stage 9*


Below are the programmes of study for all students by stage and teaching group. Click on the stage to see view the scheme of work. You can also click on your child's teacher for the teaching plan that they will be following:

CURRICULUM STAGE Year 7 Year 8 Year 9 Year 10 Year 11
STAGE 6 Mr Bushell        


Mrs Poole/Mr Hosker

Mrs Poole/Mr Almond

Miss Mann      

Mr Anglim

Miss Mann

  Mrs Brady/Miss Mann    
STAGE 7* Mrs Brady

Mrs Brady/Mrs Eriksson

Mr Anglim      
STAGE 8   Mrs Poole/Mrs Whitton      
STAGE 8*  

Mr Almond/Mrs Brady

Mrs Eriksson

Mr Hosker

Mr Almond/Miss Mann    
STAGE 9     Mrs Eriksson

Mr Anglim

STAGE 9*    

Mr Bushell

Mr Hosker

Mrs Poole/Mrs Whitton


Mr Anglim

Mrs Eriksson

Miss Mann

Mr Anglim

Mrs Poole/Mrs Whitton

Mrs Eriksson


Mr Bushell

Mrs Poole/Mrs Whitton

Miss Mann

Mr Wood


Mr Hosker

Mr Anglim

FOUNDATION CORE       Mr Hosker Mr Bushell

5. Maths Information Evenings

We recognise that education is a partnership between the school, students, and their families. Through the provision of events such as ‘Parents for Learning’ – support for parents to help them help their children achieve well in independent learning and ‘Independent Learning Evenings’ – an explanation of the spaced retrieval model and how parents can support their children, we aim to communicate our vision clearly to ensure the partnership is successful in developing the next generation of successful and confident mathematicians. 

Please see attached for the PowerPoints used in the mathematics information evenings that took place in the first half term of this year:

Mathematics Information Evening

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6. Careers and Progression

Mathematics is in high demand in a variety of diverse careers. The importance of being numerate is emphasised by the requirement to achieve at least a Standard Grade ‘4’ pass in the subject. Being able to think logically, solve problem and make data informed decisions are highly valued skills.  

Many will associate success in mathematics with careers such as accountancy, data analysis, finance management and quantity surveyors but the career pathways are actually increasingly diverse and opportunities can present themselves in game design, engineering, aircraft maintenance and even roller coaster design! Added to this, the importance of numeracy in managing the everyday aspects of life such as household budgeting, investment and planning for retirement cannot be understated.       

Aptitude in mathematics is a hugely transferable skill which has been proven to improve career prospects and provide opportunities throughout adult life.