Ben Green is employed by Blackburn Diocesan Board of Education to support our students on a day-to-day basis. His role involves being available to students for pastoral support, running lunchtime youth groups to explore the Christian faith, and co-coordinating the worship that takes place in school.

Youth Groups & Lunchtime Christian Provision

We have a strong and long relationship with Preston Youth For Christ which goes back over ten years. Esther Peggs is now the Centre Director and we are very happy to say the relationship has only got stronger. This time consists of some chat as people arrive, a load of games, which link to a short Christian thought at the end. This group is well attended and is a link between RE and Chaplaincy as Rev’d Swindells is also involved. This takes place in A6 on Friday lunchtimes.

'BigQ Drop-In' Group led by Ben Green

This is a time set aside to ask the big questions in life, and to explore what the Christian faith can offer into the discussion. Discussion is focused around questions of faith, as well as morale and ‘ultimate’ questions too. This takes place in T2 on Tuesday lunchtimes.


Tutor Group Worship

This takes place in tutor groups led by tutors and students on a Wednesday or Thursday afternoon registration. The materials used in these times are planned by the Youth Worker Chaplain and seek to give students, and staff, an opportunity to stop, have a moments silence, pray, and worship God. These times are planned not to ram Christianity down students' throats but to give them the chance to hear about and explore the Christian faith for themselves, at their own pace.

Year Group Worship

These are times that traditionally we called Assemblies. They still contain notices and give the Head of Upper or Lower school the opportunity to speak to a year group. But the key feature of these times is worship. They begin with a candle being lit, and then a Clergy Chaplain, a member of staff, a tutor group, a visitor or the Youth Worker Chaplain delivers a time of thought, reflection, and prayer to engage students in exploring the theme for that week.

Worship Services

These take place seven times during the year. They are times to celebrate Key School events and Christian Festivals. These are Christian in nature and content, and aim to meet each student where they are on their walk of faith. Celebrating together is a foundationary feature of our school and brings us together as a community to worship God.